Monday, February 1, 2010

ICE CREAM MONDAY - Featuring Cptn Sean Noreiks

Ice Cream Monday

'Making life a little more delicious, one week at a time'

This week we are honoured to be joined by a man that goes by many names...

Some call him the Baker, others call him the Captain... some call him Fluffy... those people are now dead... I call him Sean... but call him what you will... the man knows food.... and this week I invited him to share with us his revelatory journey back to childhood as we took from the freezer an odly shaped icon of the 90's


the following is the true autobiographic account of Sean Norieks.... read on... if you dare....

Well ahhh….

The story goes a little like this…

I was entertaining one fine summer’s eve, whilst preparing a beautiful Sherpa chicken tagine dish. Suddenly my housemate Ben promptly stated that he needed to pop down to the shops to pick up some things…

Two hours later. He returned with two boxes of Sunnyboys and nothing else…

He explained that the Sunnyboys weren’t the reason he had gone to the shops in the first place, but that dwindles into insignificance compared to the fact that SUNNYBOYS ARE BACK!! And hopefully to stay.

Having had a privileged childhood I was fortunate enough to have sampled Sunnyboys during my frozen confectionary heydays … and I must say it was regular feature on my tuckshop order, due mostly to its irregular shape… and complexity of its… frozen… deliciousness…

Staring at the newly arrived packages… I wondered… are they going to be able to recreate this deliciousness 10 years later?

Not leaving a moment more to chance I threw the Sunnyboys in the freezer… checking every 30mins on their status… nervously prodding, turning them around and replacing them to encourage the homogenous and well distributed freezing process.




2 days later…

The Sunnyboys were ready… whatever it is that keeps them from rapidly freezing obviously adds to the deliciousness.

Glug cola was my first choice – being a cola connoisseur in my youth it was upon first bit I was instantly transported back into my colourful short shorts with patterns on them…. riding around on tricycle convincing my brother Brett that my nearly finished Sunnyboy was better than his only just opened one… and swapping with him to experience the flavour sensation all over again…

As far as water based frozen delicacies go – this is by far the best.

I attribute this to their Flavour, Unique Shape and quirky, larger-than-life, asymmetrical, in-your-face, nonconformist attitude they are just as good ten years on as I remembered – I really hope my flatmate has to pop off to shops again sometime soon….

I give them 8/12

…mostly due to the fact that I ate 8 of the 12 he bought…

Yours truly,


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