Monday, September 21, 2009

Yokoo & Stafford Brothers & Timmy Trumpet @ PARKLIFE

With Parklife coming up, we thought sharing some quality artists playing on the day would be a good idea...


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If your their early this saturday and are keen to get your morning started, our advice to you would be to head to Earth stage where Julien Beltzung AKA Yokoo will be performing from 12 - 1. Catergorizing him a single genre would be wrong, have a listen to his tracks and decide for yourself! If you don't catch his set on the day he normally plays a good set every saturday night at family, be sure to catch him in uncle most saturdays!

Scorpions' Sunset / Sleepwalker (Out soon on Hertzlich) by YokoO

Promotional mixes by YokoO

Stafford Brothers & Timmy Trumpet

Yes you probably have seen these guys, wouldn't suprise me if you have seen them several times... But every year these guys build the day so well, i guess thats why for almost every festival they always roughly have the same set times. If your looking for a great build to your day, these guys will not let you down! 2:45 - 3:45 @ Riverstage

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