Monday, March 15, 2010

ICE CREAM MONDAY - with a touch of class....


'making life a little more delicious, one week at a time'

You must excuse my rather lassiez-fair approach to the blog over the last couple of weeks.

I make no apologies for this... and hope that you may indeed be taking the the depths of the barren chest freezer that is life to find your own sugary source of inspiration in my occasional lapses of routine.

Indeed it is not called Ice Cream Wednesday, nor Tuesday... and so despite all attempts to refine the goings on of the Ice Cream world into a 24hour window, I sometimes... fall asleep on the couch.

This week I decided to dabble in a decent dollop of decadence dat I dared don't done d(b)efore
Gold Class movies

You really do get what you pay for here (from the movie end anyway)

Nice big seats - that comfortably snuggle two.... although I'm sure that practise is frowned upon...

And enough space that you don't have to listen the fatso next door choking on chewing his popcorn...

Unfortunately though.... MASSSSSSIVE let down in the Sundae department...

As you can see... (or perhaps you cannot... Anyone want to fill the position of official ICM photographer??... iPhone is being pushed to limits these days)

...for starters... nowhere near enough thought put into the presentation....

A sundae should be something that shines with radiant beauty.... not a blackhole for the soul

This was described as

A decadent chocolate fudge brownie sundae with lindt chocolate

Together - you'd think this would be mind blowing....

And for a casual $23.00.... you'd want it to be...

I think what they forgot was the majority of an item such as this is held together with THE ICE CREAM... which tasted suspiciously of over frozen high school camp quality 'palsonic' style vanilla... It literally reminded me of frozen milk.

So F minus for your shitty sundae Gold Class... sort your shit out.... that's 1/4 of a tank of petrol that you just tried to pass as Ice Cream... not cool man...

I will be back... and it better have been fixed....

Kind regards,


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